Committed to Our Community

"Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege."

-John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Since 1928, our parent company, Rockefeller Group, has taken pride in their vision of improving peoples lives and the community they live in.  With every new Workspace member, we use a portion of the proceeds to continue this commitment.

Backpacks donated:
Trees planted:

The Child Center of NY

The Child Center of NY empowers children and families with the skills, opportunities, and emotional support they need to build healthy, successful lives.

Founded in 1953 as a children’s counseling center in Queens, The Child Center of NY has grown to have a strong presence throughout the community. They have 50 locations and 100 programs in NYC’s most under-served communities. Their 1,000+ professionals help make a difference for more than 43,000 children and their families every year.

They understand that with the right skills, education, and emotional support, children of any background can build a happy, healthy, and fulfilling future.  More

The National Forest Foundation

Chartered by Congress, the National Forest Foundation was created with a mission to bring people together to maintain and improve our national forests and grasslands.

The National Forest Foundation is a leading organization that inspires personal and meaningful connections to our national forests.

Working on behalf of the American public, the National Forest Foundation leads conservation efforts and promotes responsible recreation. They believe these lands, and all they provide, are an American treasure and are vital to the health of our communities.  More

Since 1928, Rockefeller Group, our parent company, has been committed to integrity and fairness - these are the hallmarks of our brand and reputation, embodied by our employees and reflected in our relationships with colleagues, clients, partners and the communities where we work.

One of Rockefeller Group's guiding principles is a love for people, a love for the city.  This underpins our business and guides our vision of improving people's lives and their community in which our employees live and work.  The company has participated in fundraising campaigns for organizations including Make-A-Wish, United Way, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Urban Pathways, Elizabeth Seton Children's, Nazareth Housing, and Phipps Housing, among others.  More

Become a Part of Our Community

Learn more about the services offered by Workspace