The Value of Support Services to a Work Life Balance

In our last blog post, I shared my heartfelt regret about initially letting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away. But guess what? I was given a second chance, and I seized it with both hands! Now, let me share with you the incredible lessons I learned from this extraordinary journey. Prepared to be amazed!

Two years ago, I was offered a once in a lifetime opportunity that I ultimately declined. I regretted that decision, so when the opportunity presented itself again, I knew I couldn't let it slip away. But as a busy professional, I couldn't just put everything on hold. I had to rely on the support services that we offer our members to keep things running smoothly while I was away. This experience taught me the value of our services and staff and how they can improve our work-life balance.

The first step in ensuring a smooth business operation while I was away was communicating to my callers that I'd be unavailable for a certain period. I instructed our phone operators to let those who called me know that I was away. The operators screened my calls and alerted my coworkers of any sales calls or service emergencies. This first-hand experience showed me how vital clear communication is, especially when it comes to customer service. I was grateful to receive messages that required my immediate attention and those that I could handle when I returned to the office.

The second step in ensuring a relaxed vacation was making sure I stayed on top of the work that required my attention. Our Mailroom scanned all of the mail that I received throughout the week, which enabled me to stay on top of my responsibilities to a minor extent. Knowing that my team was taking care of all issues that needed immediate attention allowed me to be more focused on my relaxation, even though I was working. I was also able to send copies of my mail to my coworkers, enabling them to respond on my behalf. These small things reassured me that things were moving along in my absence.

Upon my return to the office, I felt more rested than ever. Knowing that everything ran smoothly contributed to my peace of mind, but even more importantly, it gave me insight into the value of the support services offered by the office space. I realized that these services were not only instrumental to the smooth operation of our business, but they helped us maintain a work-life balance. As a result, they allow us to enjoy our time off outside of work and to make the most of these precious moments.

During my trip, I set sail for four days, and I saw whales, dolphins, seals, and new amazing places. My photography hobby was also an enjoyable escape, and I could take it to a new level while away. I had an experience of a lifetime, and most importantly, I was able to return back to work refreshed and rejuvenated.

Making the most of your time off requires some planning, and these plans must include the use of support services. These services not only help maintain business continuity, but they also allow us to take a step back from work and enjoy the precious moments in our lives. Whether it's sailing away for four days or simply taking a weekend off, the support services we have access to ensure that we can enjoy these moments and return to work feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes our way.

Work Life in Rockefeller Center

Photographs from my trip.

Lighthouse at the entrance of Provincetown Harbor
Block Island Lighthouse
Acadia National Park

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Drone photograph of wave crashing on the Great Cranberry Island shore.