Business Intelligence and Investigations in NYC
Charles Griffin Intelligence is a consulting firm that specializes in intelligence for the business community. Their expertise has benefited law firms, corporations, financial firms and nonprofits. They also work with individuals on a wide range of matters.
Whatever phase of litigation you are in, they can get you the information that you need. They use their skills to conduct due diligence on partners in joint ventures before or during the early stages of deals.
Charles Griffin Intelligence provides due diligence for hiring in any industry. They also work for executives who want to know more about the employer they are considering working for.
They also collect intelligence in domestic competition, international trade, intellectual property disputes, corporate takeovers and governance fights.
A unique advantage for Charles Griffin is that they are staffed by attorneys. They are supported by a worldwide network of local professionals held uncompromisingly to the same high standard of ethical behavior and transparency as they hold themselves. Learn more about business intelligence and investigations in NYC today. Contact Charles Griffin Intelligence

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